June 6, 2022 - we arrive around noon time at Torshavn, Faroe Islands. We managed to get Mary Beth and Bob on the same excursion with us - "Scenic Faroes and Pancakes". Berger is our fabulous tour guide for this surprisingly excellent excursion. We traveled through some of the most scenic volcanic islands. There are 17 these islands and we learned lots about the history of this far-flung archipelago of immense natural beauty. Anni is in love with the sheep which, by the thousands, dot the steep cliffs and hills. We do eventually stop at a little harbor littered with about 50 homes, a church, a cemetery and we enjoy a cup of coffee and some dry cake (not pancakes, as expected!). Back to the ship we go on the bus traveling through some extraordinary tunnels that connect some islands. Lots of salmon farms too! Dinner tonight with Alan and Linda in the SALT restaurant. Anni went to the Panorama Lounge to partake in the "Liar's Club", which she said was lots of fun!
Looking forward to a “day at sea” tomorrow as we are off to Heimaey, Westman Islands, Iceland.